Scroll down to see current breedings/puppies


We have German Shepherd puppies available at various times throughout the year. Our first breeding of 2025 will be with Gilette and one of the following studs: Azrael, Willy, Nikolas or Alex. If we do not know you yet, we ask that you fill out our Client Questionnaire so we can get a headstart deciding which litter may have the prfect puppy for you. You can see the parents of our puppies on this page along with available puppies once they are born. All puppies will be professionally trained and socialized before leaving us. It is highly recommended that you reserve a puppy before birth as our puppies are in demand worldwide.



Nikolas x Gilette 2025

Due Date: April 14th, 2025


  • BH-VT, ZVV 3, ZPS 2
  • HD: Fast Normal, ED: Normal, DM: N/N

Gilette Venus (Gilli)

  • ZVV1
  • HD - Normal, ED - Normal, DM N/N, Spondylosis 0

This litter will produce extremely intelligent, versatile, luxurious, vigorous puppies with a high capacity for learning whatever you choose to offer them beyond our basic foundation training and socialization. Keen intelligence and hard protection qualities will be a prominent strengths of these puppies. We expect high devotion to their new families, slightly mischievous personalities and uncompromising protection for those they become attached to. Suitable roles for these puppies will be personal or family companions and protectors, Dual Purpose Police K9, Search & Rescue, Recovery K9s, mid to high level sports (PSA, IGP, etc.). Some will very likely be capable of doing all of those jobs/activities and, with appropriate training/socialization, be trustworthy around children and the elderly. Early reservations are recommended as we will only be bringing two or three from this litter to the United States. Earliest reservations get priority whether made for a U.S. client or a client in Europe.

E-mail Us questions or intent to commit.




Azrael x Fatima Nemesis

Date of Birth: January 6th, 2025


  • BH-VT, IGP 3
  • DM N/N, LTV 0
  • HD: A ED:0/0 (CZ)

Fatima Nemesis

  • BH/VT, IBGH 1, ZVV 1
  • HD-normal, ED-normal, DM-N/N, Spondylosis-0


Large, solid black working German Shepherd named Azrael laying in the grass with his tongue out.Large, solid black working German Shepherd named Azrael sittin in a grassy field with his tongue out.Large, solid black male German Shepherd named Azrael leaning in for a kiss from his  beret wearing Czech female police K9 handler owner with a blurred tower reaching into the open sky behind themSolid Black male German Shepherd named Azrael sitting behind his trophy and other prizes earned in a dog competition.Solid black male German Shepherd Azrael laying in the grass with his ball and a dirty nose.Solid black German Shepherd puppy named Azrael sitting attentively with a slight head tilt and one floppy ear.


Fatima Nemesis

Willy - was bred to - Airin

Date of Birth: September 10th, 2024


  • BH, IGP 3, IFH 1
  • HD: Normal, ED: Normal, DM:N/N


  • ZVV1
  • HD: Normal, ED: Normal, DM: N/DM, Spondylosis: 0